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Student Life

1 min read
Final Grad Events of the Year
With this crazy year drawing to a close, there are a few more events our grads can mark in their calendars before they say goodbye to Leo...

Leah Haines
3 min read
What Students Think
Student voice has always been important here at the Mane, from important news in our community to student experience at school. So, this...

Leah Haines
2 min read
What was first semester like for grade 9's?
Transitioning from middle school to high school can be an adjustment for anyone, but for the Leo Hayes class of 2025, the first semester...
Local News

Lauren Sturgeon
2 min read
Tyson's Wonder Wheels
Two years ago, Denise Stewart saw her bulldog Tyson’s life change forever. Stewart hails from Pennfield, New Brunswick, where she works a...

Lauren Sturgeon
2 min read
Forgotten NB Black Cemetery Revived
Lauren Bird CBC This past fall N.B. Power paid for a new gravestone to be placed in the forgotten and flooded Kingsclear cemetery-...

Lauren Sturgeon
2 min read
Winterlude Ice Sculptures
This month, the classic Fredericton festival, The FROSTtival was supposed to take place. Unfortunately, like many events in the past few...

Ayla Hood
2 min read
Mr. Pearson
Located on the second level of the A wing, Mr. Pearson is one of many beloved teachers here at Leo. With his work in the Student...

Nicola Odu
2 min read
Madelynn Hamilton and Pine Grove Nursing Home
There are many amazing young adults living in our city, but few truly stand out like Madelynn Hamilton, a twelfth-grade Leo Hayes...

Emma Tait
2 min read
Rugby is Ready
Something that may surprise readers is that Fredericton has a rich history of rugby. After restrictions were placed upon the sport during...

Emma Tait
2 min read
The New Brunswick Olympians
It is safe to say that New Brunswick is one of the lesser-known and least populous provinces in Canada. Therefore, it is always a treat...

Emma Tait
2 min read
Coaches Online
The recent weeks of online schooling effected both students and teachers as they were once again forced to adjust the way they learned...

Nicola Odu
2 min read
A Snapshot of the Yearbook Committee
Although the pursuit of success in life and academics fills the minds of many, there are always a handful of those that understand the...

Ayla Hood
2 min read
Pride Club
Pride club is a safe place for students of the LGBTQ+ community to gather and communicate. In high school, students find it hard to find...

Leah Haines
2 min read
The Debate Team
Debate is a club at Leo Hayes that focuses on allowing students the chance to learn and practice the art of debating. It welcomes...
Good to know!

Leah Haines
2 min read
Advice From the Class of 2022
As the school year draws to a close, its time for many of our students to say goodbye to their home for the past four years. This time of...

Audrey Brewer
2 min read
How to Have the Best Movie Night Ever.
With things opening up once again, it’s finally time to get together with friends and watch a movie. Or you might want to hide away in...

Audrey Brewer
2 min read
Pop Culture Moments of 2021
2021 has come and gone, and quite a year it was! I’ve compiled some iconic pop culture moments that made 2021 so memorable. 1. The...
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