Located on the second level of the A wing, Mr. Pearson is one of many beloved teachers here at Leo. With his work in the Student Representative Council and the amazing help he is teaching foundations and pre-calculus, The Mane asked him a couple questions to find out more about the teacher making Leo Hayes a better place.
How long have you been teaching at Leo?
“I’ve been at Leo Hayes since second semester of 2011-2012 school year.” Said Mr. Pearson, “So about ten years.”
What drew you into teaching? What do you like most about teaching?
“I think what initially drew me into teaching was being a student and thinking about the teachers I had and thinking that looked pretty fun. I enjoy interacting with people, and helping people understand concepts.” And as many people would attest, he’s good at it too. Mr. Pearson went on to say, “I was [also] fortunate to have a few good role models in my school time.”
How long have you been helping with SRC? Why do you believe students to be involved in activities like SRC?
“This is my seventh year helping with SRC. You can only learn so much through academics and I think a lot of these extra curricular activities provide opportunities with no necessary prescribed expectations or required outcomes. Its just hands-on experience that’s hard to replicate in the classroom, where its more real-world interactions, real world problem solving, that’s harder to get in, say, a math class.”
To finish off the interview, Mr. Pearson wanted to give any students reading a piece of advice:
“Try to assume everyone is doing their best.”
Thank you to Mr. Pearson for all the work you do here at LHHS. If you’re interested in learning more about SRC and the work they do, check out our other article on The Student Representative Council, the club is a great opportunity to meet new people and get involved in school events, spirit weeks, and tons more.