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The Student Representative Council (SRC)

Lauren Sturgeon

The Student Representative Council, or SRC, is a student lead board at Leo Hayes that encourages young leaders in our school. The SRC is a group of student leaders whose primary reasonability is to address the issues and concerns of the general student population and organize student events and activities. The SRC participates in many aspects of the Leo Hayes School community by involving students from different backgrounds to give their unique, firsthand experiences and perspectives.

The roles of the SRC include an array of different responsibilities to create an enjoyable experience for all students and staff. Hoping to create a safe and welcoming environment for every student, our local student council organizes events like grad theme days, theme weeks, spirt days and lunch time activities.

Friday, December 17th, 2021, began the holiday theme week, primarily organized by the Student Representative Council. You can expect a multitude of exciting theme days as well as festive lunch time activities. To find a list of the themes and activities, go to the Leo Hayes High School SRC Instagram page @leohayessrc (, or check out The Mane’s article on theme weeks to find more information.


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