The recent weeks of online schooling effected both students and teachers as they were once again forced to adjust the way they learned and taught. This was a particular challenge for the Physical Education courses. The Mane interviewed some of Leo’s Phys. Ed teachers to ask them what steps they took to deal with the drastic change of teaching online.
Online schooling had proven to be a challenge due to the way Physical Education courses were designed, but the teachers were determined to do the best they could to help students stay physically healthy. One of the things they did was give their students different exercises to do that suited their new environment. Mr. Allen, a Physical Education teacher at LHHS, said, “We have given the students different types of exercise programs to do at home as well as other Wellness activities that focus on mental health issues and how to stay busy in a covid filled society.”
Since gyms across the city were shut down because of the move to level three procedures, there were not many options for where to go to keep up with your physical health. Mr. Collins, another Phys. Ed teacher at Leo, said, “this puts the responsibility on the student athletes to do whatever they can at home to practice their individual skills and workout on their own time to stay physically fit.” This is no simple task for any athlete. Like Mr. Allen said, “when in phase three it really affects the athletes as they lose any momentum they had built up prior to shutting down […] Only the real dedicated athletes can maintain their fitness level during times like these and for the others it will take their body and mind a couple weeks to get back into playing shape.”
With the recent move to level two measures, things are opening up again, and students and teachers alike are eager to get back in the gym.