We all know school can be hard sometimes. For many students, it becomes a big worry that makes us feel tired and anxious about assignments, homework, or concepts we don’t understand. But don’t worry! Today I am going to share with you some tips on how to excel in school.
Tip #1: Work on schoolwork at school. Homework is very hard for a lot of people. In a setting like your house, it just doesn’t feel right to do schoolwork sometimes! If you finish early in class, work on something else that needs to get done. If you arrive early in the morning, heading to the library to complete work ahead of time is a great idea. Some teachers give work periods as well, which can definitely be used to your advantage.
Tip #2: Make a to do list. I have found that having a list when completing an assignment is way more helpful than looking at the assignment as a whole and risking being overwhelmed. Try sectioning off your project into smaller tasks. For example:
Step 1: Gather information
Step 2: Start PowerPoint
Step 3: Add all information
Step 4: Edit
Step 5: Turn in
I assure you that it will look like a lot less work. I usually do this with mundane boring tasks as well, because doing a lot of little things is definitely easier than diving head-first into a large project with no idea where to start!
Tip #3: Ask for help. This one is quite hard for a lot of people, but luckily with tools like Teams, there are now many more ways to go about it. Instead of having to raise your hand in front of everyone, you can just message a classmate or a teacher in private. Remember, teachers are not monsters; teaching you is their JOB. Google might also know a thing or two and it’s a great place to broaden your understanding of the topic. There are plenty of YouTube channels dedicated subjects you might be learning – calculus, chemical compounds, shading an art piece, whatever you need! These videos can be super helpful while studying.
Though school can sometimes be hard to manage, there are many strategies you can use to make your life a lot easier. The ones listed above are only a few examples! I hope these tips help you to stay more organized and efficient, and as a result, ensure you have more success in school. Though it is important to remember that your mental and physical health are incredibly important too! So, take care of yourself. High school is only four years of your life, and one crappy grade isn’t going to kill you.