The move to online learning was definitely a surprise to students. A lot of students were not happy about the move to online learning. Some kids struggled with online learning, preferring the structure of the classroom. While others were happy about the move, sleeping in late, doing schoolwork from bed, not having to deal with the social part of school.
When Jeff Whipple, the district tech lead, was asked how he felt about the move to online learning, he gave an amazing response.
“Learning is a social activity. I don’t think I would want to be 100% virtual, either as a learner or a teacher. As we have [seen] during the pandemic, it can keep people connected but I think having people gather to learn promotes a more vibrant, collaborative environment. Some students have thrived in the flexibility offered through virtual sessions so there is certainly not a one-size fits all solution.”
So, like Mr. Whipple said for some students, this 2-week change was good for them. They could focus more on getting work done and not be distracted by other things happening in the classroom. For other students it was their worst nightmare, not being able to go to school and see their friends, not having one-on-one time with a teacher if they needed help, overall didn’t have the organization of a classroom, which some kids rely on the organization aspect.
If the pandemic taught us one thing, it’s the ability to adapt. Everyone does online learning differently; it’s not a one-size fits all concept. We can only do the best we can under the circumstances.
We may have different preferences on the situation, but in the end, though far apart, we’re all in this together.