We really want to help make our school as inclusive and welcoming as possible!” - Mrs. Gatto

Peer Mentors is a wonderful club at Leo Hayes that helps new students find a place in the school. The Mane reached out to Mrs. Gatto to tell us more about the club and all the work they do!
Why was this club made?
“To help create a sense of belonging for grade 9 students and any other students who are new to the building. Peer mentors sometimes invite new students to eat lunch with them or attend a group or activity with them to help them meet other students. We really want to help make our school as inclusive and welcoming as possible!”
What do Peer Mentors do?
Peer Mentors help with various activities such as the grade 8 orientation (when middle schools come tour LHHS) new-student lunches, welcoming grade 9 students on the first day of school and taking any student who is new to our school (throughout the year) on a tour or the school. Peer Mentors are also matched to a grade 9 homerooms (usually 2 or 3 per homeroom). They often go to their grade 9 homeroom on Fridays (especially pre-covid) to check in with the students and build positive relationships. Peer Mentors have also given workshops to grade 9 students about Healthy Relationships and a Tobacco-Free Living Strategies & Mental Health. I am sure there are other things that they help with, but these just come to mind….
Who can become a peer mentor?
“Any students in grade 10, 11 or 12, can apply to be a Peer Mentor. We usually have students apply in April of each schoolyear and we often interview the candidates so that we have a chance to explain what the time commitment is from the student and answer any questions they may have.”
If it sounds like something you would like to be a part of, Peer Mentors meets on Tuesdays in A189, Mrs. Hanson’s room.