"No one chooses to be hungry." - Ms. McBride

Feed the Lions is a student hunger program at LHHS that was created to help solve the issue of students struggling with food security.
The group started in 2013, after one of our school custodians at the time, Linda, noticed that there were students hanging around the cafeteria after the bell rang and digging in the garbage cans looking for food. She started bringing some things for them, and when she told Kim MacDonald (who was a teacher at the school at the time,) Mrs. MacDonald took the lead and ran with it, starting the group called Feed the Lions.
I met with Mrs. McBride, who is now one of the teachers running the program, to tell us a bit more about it.

What has Feed the Lions done recently to fight student hunger?
“As well as the breakfast, lunch, and backpack programs, we delivered weekly boxes of groceries to 36 families for the duration of the time that we were not in school due to COVID-19. Last year, when students were in school half-time, we continued to deliver to some of these families. We are working hard at making access to food something for everyone. The cart that has breakfast and lunch items on it is at the end of the downstairs in the D wing – anyone can walk by and take what they need. Bowls of wrapped fruit are set out in various locations around the building, and food is delivered to the Learning Centre. We are always trying to determine where there is a need, and then figuring out a way to meet that need.”
What is the Backpack Program?
“The Backpack Program allows students to take non-perishable food home to their families. If we have students who are unable to bring breakfast or lunches to school, then there is probably a need in the home, too.”
What can Leo Hayes students do to help?
“There are many things. If students want to be actively involved – we meet every second Tuesday at lunch in room E104 – students from this group are responsible for a variety of things, including distributing breakfast and lunch each day. Spread the word that this program exists – we want people who are looking to help AND people who may need to access the program to know about its existence. If you belong to a club or team looking to help out in some way, a food drive is always beneficial. Most importantly: be kind. No one chooses to be hungry. Our community needs to look after each other.”
This club needs to be recognized for all the amazing things they do, and all the amazing people that make sure no one at Leo Hayes goes hungry. If you’re interested and passionate about their cause, listen to the announcements to find out when the next meeting is. Feed The Lions is always looking for new members!
Like Mrs. McBride said, our community needs to look after each other – this is a great place to start.