The time for students to select their courses for the following school year is fast approaching, and with so many options, it can be hard to decide which courses you should take. To help with this dilemma, we have compiled a list of courses that we believe more lions should take into consideration.
Personal Interest is a course designed specifically for grade 12 students with a passion they would like to explore. In this class, students will spend the semester working on a project of their choice to be completed when the semester is finished. Students are granted complete freedom (within reason) on what their project will be; Mr. Taggart who has been an adviser for this course for nine years has had the opportunity to see many of these amazing projects come to life, “I have had students write plays and novels, start their own businesses, record and distribute music, train for a future career (firefighting, police work, etc.), rebuild old vehicles, become photographers and documentary filmmakers, design fashion and/or jewelry, work on their physical and mental health, create fundraisers where they have raised thousands of dollars for a charitable cause...” Like Forrest Jones who climbed Mount Kilimanjaro to raise $10000 for Feed the Lions; you can read more about Jones and her admirable work here! Even your very own school news site is a Personal Interest project! Like Mr. Taggart says, “the list of amazing projects goes on and on!” Taggart strongly believes that every grade twelve student should consider taking Personal Interest, “students finish the course with a better understanding of their personal strengths and weaknesses. For many, it provides them with a much clearer understanding of what they want to do after they graduate.” The course is available as a single period, or two-period course and applications are required. Speak with guidance if you are interested in applying for Personal Interest.
Co-operative Education is a class that is available to both eleventh grade and twelfth-grade students. It offers the unique experience of stepping into the shoes of someone in a career path you are considering. If, like many people, you are having trouble deciding what you want to do after high school, this is a great way to see if the career option you’re considering is the right fit for you. Cadence MacKinnon, an LHHS student, spent her co-op class working at Gibson Neil Elementary school, and felt it was a rewarding experience and said “Co-op was a great way to make sure I enjoyed a career before spending tons of money on school for it. It was a fun way to get credits and recommendations for jobs.” Co-op is available as a two-credit-hour class or a three-credit-hour class. Because you will spend much of this course away from the school it is required that you have your own personal transportation. Additionally, an interview process is necessary due to the limited enrolment spaces.
Likewise, Career Exploration is a grade eleven course that offers similar opportunities while focusing on the skills required to allow you to succeed in multiple careers. Career Exploration is more classroom-based than Co-op, but it is still required that you have your own transportation to and from your place of work as you will be spending time working in workplaces outside of school grounds. An interview process is required to join this class as well.
The Essential Skills program is a course that provides an environment for students to learn in a way that works best for them, and in a field that they are passionate about. This course lasts two and a half years, beginning in the second semester of grade ten and finishing by the end of your grade twelve year; it will take place two periods out of the day. If you would like more information on the Essential Skills program, check out our other article, Mr Hoyt and the Essential Skills Program.
We hope this has helped to narrow down your search. If you have any other questions regarding course selection, your guidance counsellor is a great person to talk to for more information!